Monday, January 14, 2008

Harrison is Due today!

Well, today has come and about gone.... And not an single sign of the sweet baby.
We have a scheduled induction date. Unless nature takes its course we will go into the hospital on Monday night at 9 p.m. be given cervidil... a hormone to soften my cervix, then if this hormone doesn't start labor then Tuesday morning the Dr. will start me on pitocin to start labor.
So unless this week my body decides to give up the baby Tuesday the 21st of January will be Harrison's birthday.


Lindsay said...

Hang in there Sabrina! Waiting for an overdue baby is the WORST! Luke was nine days overdue, so I know what you're going through. He WILL come, even though it's soooo hard to wait! Good luck with labor!

Dunn Family said...

Oh man!! I hope he comes tonight!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! I would hate for you to wait all the way until next week!

Krystal said...

I've been thinking about you guys and wondering how everything is going. The waiting definitely wears on you, doesn't it? Hopefully the little guy will decide he's ready this week! Can't wait to hear about everything and meet him!

Nourishing Creations said...

So glad you didn't have to be induced! (I was! ah!) Congrats on the baby and having your water break! :)