Saturday, March 15, 2008


I still dont know how or why I said "Yes" to my sister and the Loves. The first week of March Shawna and Ken went to San Francisco and we told them we could babysit. It really was not bad. She has the most comfie bed. Harrison did his longest stint... 7 1/2 hours! It hasn't been repeated since. It was only 3 days but it took alot out of us. Mostly Harrison and I. But he had fun with his cousins.
I have been babysitting for Jill Love who is on the SLC council for the last 6 1/2 years. She had some meetings in Washington D.C. and asked if Josh and I could watch her 3 kids for 4 days and 3 nights. These kids are great and they couldnt get enough Har-bear! But it was a whole lot of work. I am just so greatful for my 1 baby! It was good to get a glimpse of what life will be like in 6 years.

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