Friday, July 18, 2008

Allergy Tests

Sabrina and I both have struggled with allergies for years and over the 4th of July weekend we decided that we had had enough and decided to make an appointment with an allergy specialist. Come to find out it is a lot harder to get in than you would think. Some allergy clinics in Salt Lake were booked until November!

We were able to make an appointment with Dr. Hendershot at the Intermountain Salt Lake Clinic. We had to go off of all allergy medication for one week before the appointment so that they wouldn't interfere with the test.

The test consisted of a breathing test (to test for asthma) and an allergen test. For the allergen test they have you take your shirt off and lay down on the table while they write 42 numbers on your back. Once the numbers are written they stab 42 different allergens in your back and then make you wait 15 minutes to see which ones swell up (and yes, your back is itching like crazy the whole time). The allergens they test for include everything from different types of grass, weeds, trees, pets, etc. Your reaction to the allergens is based on a scale from 0 (no reaction) to 4 (strong reaction). There is also a 4P which basically means "don't ever go near it". I ended up having quite a few 3's, 4's, and 4P's and Sabrina had some 3's and 4's.

We got a bunch of sample drugs and well as some information on the NeilMed Sinus Rinse (make sure you watch the video!) and allergy shots. We ended up getting the Sinus Rinse (basically a squeeze bottle that you use to shoot saltwater up one nostril and out the other) and have been using it everyday to clear out our sinuses (don't worry I'm not going to put up pictures...). At first it feels a lot like doing a flipturn in the pool and getting water up your nose, but since it is going up one side and out the other, that feeling doesn't last very long. I guess this Sinus Rinse is supposed to be all the rage with Oprah (Dad and B would probably know for sure).

Anyway, it was quite an experience but we are glad that we did it. We really liked how friendly and helpful Dr. Hendershot was and would recommend him to anyone in Salt Lake considering an allergy specialist.

Oh, and of course all the nurses were going crazy over Har. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on, I don't watch Oprah!