Friday, August 8, 2008

Stephenie Mayer is a Genius

While Josh, Har and I were in Barnes and Noble on Tuesday buying Breaking Dawn Josh said to Har, "Ok now Har, it's just you and me now for a few days until mom gets finished reading her book." I though how rude, but then really... how true. Thrusday I finished BD and it was in some ways the best and in others not my favorite of the 4 book series.
I loved this one because of all the loose ends that were tied up and all the answers to questions were answered and Oh so much more that I would never have dreamed of like.... just kidding like i'd spoil it for anyone still reading!
But I really think that Twilight was my favorite because there was so much EDWARD! then Eclipse came in a close second because there was a whole lot of Edward. Then Breaking Dawn because it completed the saga. And then New Moon because there was too much Jacob and way not enough Edward.
This series definately tops my most favorite reads list!

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